Don't hide your feelings (here's what I'm letting go of this year).
🎊 Happy New Year! 🎊
I’ve spent the last week drowning in chocolate, sinking into my couch, and watching Love Boat reruns (ooh boy, are there some sketchy storylines we didn’t catch as kids!).
Anyway, taking time to rest (without guilt) is exactly what I need to do right now. I am not disappointed to be saying goodbye to 2023 tomorrow.
And I know I’m not alone in moving through deep grief, loss, uncertainty, and soul-level transformation.
All this life-adjusting self-inquiry revealing my feelings, relational needs, resentments, regrets, and failures has sapped every ounce of my mental, physical, and emotional energy.
It has stripped me bare over and over until I learned to make space in my body for fear, sadness, and self-doubt (all the sh*tty emotions) to co-exist alongside my eager anticipation and curiosity about the future.
How do we know when it's time to move on or change our approach?
I invite you to do a releasing ritual with me in these last days of 2023 if you feel called.
Have you ever held on to something because letting go was more terrifying? How do we know when it's time to move on or change our approach?
We have to listen to our bodies.
This is where I am now. Something is changing deep within me. I'm not sure what, how, or when the transformation will be complete, but it's been tugging at my soul for a while. Forcing me to reevaluate my goals, needs, gifts, and what I have to offer you here.
I've been running in so many directions for so long - ignoring my nervous system and pushing ahead.
Do you know when your body is speaking to you? I didn't always listen to mine.
But I know something new IS emerging. New (old) passions? A longing for the creativity that once filled my cup and seeded this aspiration to "teach through love" over 20 years ago.
I don't know what the new structure will look like. I just know it's finally time to discard the things that no longer feel authentic.
I'm letting go to grow.
Not exactly. But things will evolve. I'm scaling back to expand, and some programs will likely end.
New Collaborations
There ARE new magical collaborations with other kindred-soul practitioners in the works. We want to connect IN community with you as we learn to take ownership of our thoughts and feelings, have confidence in our boundaries, and work with our nervous systems.
But I may not be talking about “conscious parenting” (outside our Academy Membership Community). I might not be sending email tips and posting on social media in the same ways.
"Teach Through Love” was never meant to be only about parenting. 25 years ago, I had a sole mission - to change how we spoke to kids.
It evolved over the last 18 years as I dedicated my time to supporting parents and professionals in all the ways that online education and social media exploded in the early 2000s.
I wanted to help you make sense of the empathy sound bytes.
And now, after six years of manufacturing the Conscious Communication Cards, my heart is being called in new directions.
I definitely will be writing and talking (podcasting?) more! (Think: autism and family dysfunction wrapped in a crime novel of narcissistic abuse and trauma as the catalyst for remarkable healing). There are a lot of spicy possibilities on the table.
At the very least, I’ll be downsizing my focus on conscious parenting content for the first time in over 20 years.
It’s bittersweet (and a little bit scary), but I know it’s time to shed this version of my identity.
Here's What's Staying
The Conscious Communication Cards. I’m committed to exploring ALL the ways I can reasonably continue creating and manufacturing the cards. Too many people rely on the perspective shifts they offer and verbal cues that BUILD relationships with our kids to stop now.
Or, if you’re interested in making your school or community more compassionate and aware of their language, reach out, and let’s discuss getting the cards to those folks who need them.
For now, I’m going to continue feeling all the feelings (and not apologize for it)!
Release what doesn't serve you.
Until this initiation of a new life, a new direction takes hold, I will continue to release what doesn’t serve me.
If you’re feeling called to join me - you only have to make peace with the unknown (instead of creating resolutions you can’t keep).
A releasing ritual can be so simple - you can make it up. Nothing fancy. You don’t need incense and candles to let go and process things like -
- fear and loss.
- outdated beliefs.
- negative habits or people.
- unhelpful thoughts.
- painful memories.
Just think about what makes you sparkle? Puts a bit of lightness in your step? A release ritual for me is usually a drive in the car, blaring my favorite songs.
THAT simple.
Sometimes I cry. Sometimes, I surprise myself with the heartbursting wonder I feel watching an unexpected crimson sunset.
You can do ANYTHING that helps you feel 10% lighter.
Shed what you no longer need.
Cry for what has been lost.
Rage at the injustice you feel.
And then, when you can, gather the fortitude to face another day.
Sitting with my discomfort, and knowing that these feelings won’t last forever (and that it’s okay to feel joy AND sadness) is a gift I’m still learning to accept.
May your 2023 leave you feeling hopeful and loved. Thank you for being here, and please remember, it's about being conscious - not perfect!
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