Get the behavior change you want.

Hi Reader,

It's back to school time! Growing up, the morning air on the first day of school had a distinct scent. I don't know if this was in my mind (do you know what I'm talking about, or was this my imagination?).

Either way, my "sense memory" of the day always gives me the feeling that a fresh start is about to begin!

You might feel like you've had a lot of fresh starts with your kids.
Promising yourself that things will finally change.
But nothing really shifts long-term.
And inside, you're wondering if you're up for the task.
Will the chaos and arguing about EVERYTHING ever end?

Parenting is NOT easy. There is no magic 1-2-3 answer to all of our challenges. And if you've been:

  • Trying to connect (but your child pushes you away).
  • Using empathy (but that makes YOUR kids angrier.)
  • Taking away things like screen time (with little to no results).
  • Wishing for a break from the madness (alone - for a week).

I can help you get the behavior change you want (while making it as easy as possible to connect with your kids).

Here are 3 ways to make your parenting journey as easy as possible.

1. CHECK YOUR LANGUAGE. It's exhausting and infuriating when kids act like the boss of the house, throwing tantrums and pushing boundaries left and right. But there is no reason every day has to launch a new battle, nor should it be a constant struggle to get your kids to follow even the simplest rules.

Kids perceive even the slightest bit of negativity or stress in our tone or nonverbal language, which can cause their defenses to go UP (which we then mistakenly perceive as disobedience). Is your language kind, respectful, encouraging, and confident?

If you're trying to use empathy, but it sounds something like, "I know you're sad, but you have to [fill-in-the-blank-]..." then it might seem like your kids just don't care about anything you say.

My Conscious Communication Course teaches you how to finally use language that soothes stress, increases cooperation, and builds skills.

2. CHECK YOUR EXPECTATIONS. If your limits aren't aligned with your child's capabilities (and not everyone else's opinions of your child), you might feel at your wit's end with their behavior. Like they're determined to drive you crazy with their antics, and you're just so tired of dealing with it.

Are your requests developmentally appropriate? Too often, we ask our kids to show more maturity than they're actually capable of - especially highly sensitive or neurodivergent kids who may have an uneven developmental profile (lots of cognitive skills but little self-control, for example).

We might expect kids to:

  • Stop overreacting.
  • Be more responsible.
  • Control their impulses.
  • Act their age.
  • Listen the FIRST time.

My Supporting Sensitive Kids Course can guide you to help your child learn to express themselves and navigate their emotions and behavior in healthy ways. It's about more than "getting them to listen." I'll show you how to create an environment where you understand and respect each other.

3. CHECK YOUR SELF-REGULATION. All we really want is for our family to find some peace and harmony. We wish for moments of calm and cooperation, where we can communicate without frustration or yelling.

Is your demeanor calm and confident? Are your limits set with compassion regardless of how your child reacts? Can you remain composed and non-argumentative even when your child is not?

Ultimately, we just want our homes to be a place of love where we can all thrive and grow together - but that means we must examine our behavior.

My Peaceful Solutions Course will walk you through 8 steps to help you take control of your anger and work together as a team to guide your kids through life's challenges.

I want to help you shift from a traditional (power-based) view of parenting to a conscious (relational-based) view so you can refocus on helping your child feel safe so they can self-regulate and build skills - all while strengthening the bond between you.

Click here to find the course that's right for you and save 50% through 9/4!

Talk again soon, and until next time, please remember it's about being conscious -not perfect!


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