Oops, did I say 48 hours? 😬

Hey Reader -

Earlier today, I said there were 48 hours left in our Supporting Sensitive & Neurodivergent Children enrollment special (save 50%).

And, well... oops. 😬 That was wrong.

I've been SO excited and busy responding to all the wonderful feedback about last week's workshop that I mixed up the schedule.

So, while the sale was set to close tomorrow - the deadline is NOW extended until Wednesday @12pm EDT (1st live class that afternoon @4pm EDT).

I'm so sorry for any confusion.

THANK YOU for your understanding! πŸ™πŸΌ And if you missed last week's free workshop - 3 Myths That Are Putting Your Relationship & Peace At Risk (& How to Shift Them) - you can still catch it here.

I mean, who doesn't want to feel less stressed by their child's needs... πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


Reader, when my child is pushing ALL my buttons, and I'm feeling insensitive (and definitely not empathetic) - it helps to know I'm not alone - AND to have concrete steps to get out of my hopeless funk.

If you've been overwhelmed by the demands and surprises of parenting a sensitive child - you don't have to do this alone!

Catch our workshop here and join Supporting Sensitive Children (for 1/2 off) this week!

You got this! And remember, conscious - not perfect!



p.s. Spring 2024 Live Classes start this WEEK! Join us Wednesday, May 15th @4pm ET - get started here.





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