[REPLAY] removing beliefs that could be harming your ability to help your kids.


What a great class we had! The feedback and chat validated the importance of connection in changing how we think about sensitivity and neurodiversity.

Just wanted to say that this conversation is so soothing to me! - Erin

Watch it here ➡️ 3 Myths About Sensitive & Neurodivergent Kids That Might Be Putting Your Relationship & Peace At Risk (& How to Shift Them).

(Just a heads up - this video will be in the Supporting Sensitive Children Course Classroom soon - so let's catch up before it moves!)

And remember, your children WANT to do their very best.

Knowing how old beliefs and unhelpful patterns get in the way of connecting and helping your kids will skyrocket your INFLUENCE (and strengthen your relationship).

See you there!

p.s. Feeling more control over your environment and capable of handling whatever your kids throw at you - is NOT impossible. Click here to watch this myth-busting workshop.