The Chaos to Cooperation GUIDE is here.


It's about time we take care of YOU! I'm sure you receive lots of advice on helping your kids "do what they need to do."

But who's helping you BE the kind of parent your kids need - by addressing your needs?

We often put all the focus on changing our kids - being kinder, firmer, more affectionate - whatever it is - we seemed to be focused on "doing" all the "right" things.

And all the suggestions out there seem to be child-centered, even though taking care of ourselves is a core part of having a solid parent-child relationship.

(And I'm not talking about taking more candle-lit baths and meditating - though I'm not opposed to either 😆).

I'm talking about getting to the root of your dysregulation, intolerance, and frustration with your kids.

This NEW Downloadable Chaos to Cooperation Guide is completely parent-focused. It's a 10-day plan to turn things around in your home by putting the attention back on YOU.

You might have taken this 10-day course with me online at some point - either back when we did it live OR as a self-guided emailed course (unless all the emails went to spam 🫤).

And now you can download the entire program in one easy-to-follow workbook guide.

Over the last year, I've curated all the resources from this course (+ some new ones) into this Brand-New 10-Day Downloadable Guide.

With so much noise about your kids and their needs, I want you to realize what YOU need to reach your goals, whether they are to:

  • set limits without blame and shame.
  • have respectful interactions with your kids
  • enjoy less fighting and more cooperating

Advice is great.

But it's NOT helpful if you've got a bunch of great tools and strategies - but NO IDEA why they're so hard to implement.

If you want to grow as a parent (and not just raise your kids to listen to what you say) - this Guide is my #1 suggestion on where to start.

And now, you don't have to worry about missing live classes, lost emails, or wondering if you've received all the materials - because it's all in ONE 80+ page PDF download.

And if any of this critical self-talk is creeping in, you'll learn how to reframe and create a new way forward.


  • "I'm a terrible parent for letting it get this bad."
  • "I should have done something. I'm too lenient."
  • "This is all my fault."


  • "Maybe I need to be more firm."
  • "Other parents don't seem to have these problems."
  • "Why can't I handle my own children?"

Fear of Judgment:

  • "What will others think of me as a parent?"
  • "Everyone must think I'm incompetent."
  • "People are probably judging me right now."

We all have doubts and fears, but if these are on a constant loop in the background of your mind - your relationship with your kids (and others) will suffer.

And we know how that goes.

Then their behavior escalates, and we feel even worse, and round and round we go - on the blame-shame-guilt cycle, thinking "conscious parenting" just isn't for us.

🎉So check it out, and let's end this year with a fresh new perspective. Get your 👉🏻 Chaos to Cooperation 10-Day Guide here.

We'll make sense of the chaos and overcome all YOUR obstacles to conscious parenting. Ahhh, but remember, conscious - not perfect!


p.s. If you've taken this course in the past or downloaded the original workbook, the information has been updated and curated into this new format. Purchasing a copy will ensure you review all future program updates.

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