Want to learn the secret to responding to explosive emotions?

Published 14 days ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

I'm teaching a FREE class on sensitive and neurodivergent children! Want to join us?

It's called "The Secret to Supporting Highly Sensitive and Neurodivergent Children: Your Plan of Action." This class has practical next steps and a three-part blueprint that might make you fall in love with your child all over again. 💕

This is a topic close to my heart.

Because the truth is - "empathy" is NOT the new "consequence."

(ya know, where you give enough of it and expect behavior to magically change).

You can't "empathize" away someone's brain wiring.

And you shouldn't expect yourself to unravel (overnight) all the ways YOUR core wounds are now being triggered by your child's behavior.

The secret to supporting your sensitive or neurodivergent child is to have a plan to develop your family's skills—and not just sit back and "wait" for your child to outgrow their behaviors with "a little more discipline".

And knowing how to respond to explosive emotions is definitely one of those skills.

It doesn't matter if you're a parent, educator, caregiver, or just another adult on a healing journey - emotional flexibility is one of those "soft skills" that can bring us SO much inner peace (and better relationships, less stress, etc.).

The best thing? You know you'll always be able to recover - even when your heart rate's going up and your child is digging in their heels.

  • Or unable to regulate. ("pestering everyone")
  • Looking for sensory input. ("instigating trouble")
  • Overstepping boundaries. ("annoying their siblings")
  • Trouble focusing. ("daydreaming again")
  • Needing executive function support. ("always losing things")

Remember, there is no "Parenting 101" handbook to help you recognize the clues to your children's behavior better than your own eyes and ears.

And if their reactions still mystify you, there's a good chance you're looking for answers - but asking the wrong questions.

Knowing how to be a calming presence for our kids while holding them accountable for their actions is absolutely necessary for parents of ANY kid - but it's essential for our sensitive ones.

And that's exactly what this class will show you.

Are you ready for long-lasting change? No cookie-cutter promises here.

Just a few quick ideas to help you form a plan of action (with three simple steps) so your whole family can increase adaptability, flexibility, and resiliency.

Let's kickstart your transformation and discover precisely what YOUR family needs.

Hope to see you there!

And please, please remember, it's about being conscious - not perfect.

Talk soon!


p.s This class is a MUST for any parent with kids who react strongly to minor changes or are easily overwhelmed.

Join my community for free classes, tips, and tools to help you become more compassionate and empowered parent.

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