Sometimes, I mess up so badly. 😩

Published about 2 months agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read


I don't know what to say. Except... sometimes, I mess up the tech so badly (hello, glitchy coupons) that it's embarrassing.


With that, please accept my sincere apologies if you tried to get all the free things I promised you on Monday but instead were met with -

  1. Invalid error codes when using the SPRINGFLING coupon.
  2. Problems adding the Conscious Communication Course to your cart.
  3. OBSTACLES to taking advantage of the access to this course.

First, it's all fixed. Again, I'm really sorry. You are so patient. Thank you.

I actually tried to make it easier... and that blew up in my face.

So, for all the trouble, you can now get the Conscious Communication Course with any purchase valued at $27.99 or more.

No worries about figuring out what's what with the decks. And if you already have a deck, you can use the coupon on other digital items.

Just spend $27.99 in the store on any product or combo, and you're IN for the bonus live sessions. And the course is yours to keep.


If you're up for shifting your language so you can move away from using power (and feeling despair) to using connection and feeling the freedom you gain when your kids learn to handle themselves (because of YOUR model) - then hooray.

Using conscious Communication doesn't mean:

  • Your kids will do what you want when you want.
  • Toddlers will stop having tantrums.
  • Your kids won't have BIG feelings.
  • No one will get mad anymore.
  • Teens won't be irritable.
  • Everything will be easy peasy.

But it DOES mean:

  • Knowing how to achieve positive behavior shifts.
  • Feeling less stressed by resistance and refusals.
  • Soothing big feelings with the right tools (that build skills!).
  • Becoming less irritated by the small things.
  • No longer taking your child's behavior personally.
  • Challenges will start to ease, and you'll feel more peaceful.

Umm, here's what you can do (really, this time).

  1. Just spend $27.99 in our store. Valid on ANY product. Be sure to add both the cards and the course to your cart and enter SPRINGFLING at checkout.​
  2. Then, check your email for instructions on how to access your course for FREE (yes, nothing, zero dollars).
  3. Meet me online at @1pm ET on Tuesdays through April 16th for live classes and discussion.
  4. Get access to 12 more live monthly Q&A calls (also recorded) and years and years of archived calls (which contain tons of Q&As to help get you UNSTUCK).

​So, go ahead and grab something to help you level up your communication here. Then send me ALL of your questions, and let's discuss them in our live meetings (also recorded).


I can't thank YOU enough for keeping my little business afloat and the lights on (just by being here). Your support and your commitment to using compassionate language are the absolute BEST!

​Here's that offer link for you again.​

Have a beautiful day, and please remember - conscious, NOT perfect.



p.s. Don't forget to join me online at @1pm ET on Tuesdays through April 16th for live communication support.

πŸ”” **Offer ends this Thursday, March 21st @midnight ET.





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