
Teach Through Love

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Letting go of what's expected.

Reader, I've got a new podcast episode to share. When I was 38, I discovered I was neurodivergent. My history is complex, but there was no denying that my Dad's side of the family was FULL of ND people. 💡Years of confusion dissolved with every article I read. Emotions that were too much? ✅Behaviors that mystified people? ✅Not "showing" empathy? ✅Called argumentative? ✅Always says the wrong thing? ✅Special interests no one else cared about? ✅Finally, I understood myself through a new lens. I...


Reader, One of my dreams when I became a parent was to build a trusting, cooperative, and mutually satisfying relationship with my child. I “knew” that allowing her to express her feelings fully was crucial to developing this enjoyable and beneficial connection. But let's be honest, it's easier said than done... My personal history left me little space to breathe through all those powerful sensations in my body, and my defensive, reactionary instincts were primed to fight. And the thought of...

Today is the day. ⏳

In case you missed it, Reader! The 1/2 OFF special for Supporting Sensitive & ND Children is closing in just a few hours— and I would love to have you join us. Click here to join us before the sale ends @12pm EDT and then join us for our first live class today. If you want an established plan to show you how to… Use discipline and communication that gets waaay better results. Soothe your child without testing every ounce of patience you have. Build more flexibility, adaptability, and...

Oops, did I say 48 hours? 😬

Hey Reader - Earlier today, I said there were 48 hours left in our Supporting Sensitive & Neurodivergent Children enrollment special (save 50%). And, well... oops. 😬 That was wrong. I've been SO excited and busy responding to all the wonderful feedback about last week's workshop that I mixed up the schedule. So, while the sale was set to close tomorrow - the deadline is NOW extended until Wednesday @12pm EDT (1st live class that afternoon @4pm EDT). I'm so sorry for any confusion. THANK YOU...

[REPLAY] removing beliefs that could be harming your ability to help your kids.

Reader, What a great class we had! The feedback and chat validated the importance of connection in changing how we think about sensitivity and neurodiversity. Just wanted to say that this conversation is so soothing to me! - Erin Watch it here ➡️ 3 Myths About Sensitive & Neurodivergent Kids That Might Be Putting Your Relationship & Peace At Risk (& How to Shift Them). (Just a heads up - this video will be in the Supporting Sensitive Children Course Classroom soon - so let's catch up before...

[Free Workshop Today] Decoding the behavior of sensitive/neurodivergent kids.✨

Hey Reader, I'm going live today with Amy Bryant, EdS LPC, for our free class on sensitive / ND kids. And I don't want you to miss out on the perspective shifts we're sharing to help you feel less worn out by the intensity of your child's emotions or behaviors. Amy and I are both sensitive, neurodivergent parents raising kids just like us (we have teens now)! And it's all happening @4pm EDT today, but I didn't see your name on the list and don't want you to miss out. 👉🏻 Grab a spot now. (Then...

3 Myths About Neurodivergent Kids That Put Your Relationship + Peace At Risk & How to Shift Them.

Not interested in Supporting Sensitive Children, please click here to opt out of these emails Reader! This is the last week to save 50% on enrollment in the Supporting Sensitive & Neurodivergent Children Course & Live Series. And in case you're still on the fence... I'm teaching a FREE workshop on Thursday, May 9th @4pm ET with Amy Bryant, EdS LPC of Wild Child Counseling: 3 Myths About Neurodivergent Kids That Put Your Relationship & Peace At Risk (and How to Shift Them). Click here to RSVP....

Knowing what to say (instead of lecturing) so your kids WANT to "listen."

Reader - I meant to send this yesterday, but... ahh, the best-laid plans. Does that happen with your kids? You think things will go one way, and then—WHAM—somehow, it all goes off the rails (and all you did was ask a simple question!!). 😩 If you have a sensitive or neurodivergent child and you've noticed miscommunication (or a lack of communication altogether) is one of your family's biggest roadblocks - I feel you (and I've got you)! 🙌🏻 Sensitive and neurodivergent kids can seem to: be Rigid...

[VIDEO] Is it too late to help my child?

Reader, Many parents wonder if it’s too late to repair their relationship (and build more trust and influence) with their kids because they still find it hard NOT to punish or be forceful when kids “don’t listen.” Believe me—this is on my mind, too (because we’re aiming to be conscious, not perfect)! I have also wondered if the times I’ve been a sh*tty parent will stay with my child forever or if I’ve irreparably broken her trust. 😔 So here’s a quick video on what's MOST important to remember...