⚠️ We start TOMMOROW! Last chance to join for a fresh start for you & your child.
about 2 months ago • 2 min read⏳ In Less Than 24 Hours... We Begin! Reader - ✨ Chaos to Cooperation LIVE 2025 ✨ is happening TOMORROW - and this time, I’m hosting it LIVE for the first time in 3 years! 🎉 This isn’t just another parenting class. It’s a reset. A breath of fresh air. 🌿 In just 10 days, you’ll gain the clarity, confidence, and connection you’ve been searching for - without second-guessing yourself or resorting to strategies that just don’t work. 💡 Just 10 days? Yes. And here’s why… Twelve years ago, in January...
READ POST✔️ The secret to influence without force.
about 2 months ago • 3 min readReader - Last year, my daughter started college, and I went back to work as an elementary school teacher. 😲 And while I didn't go in blind to the realities of the work, I sure was faced with some surprisingly stressful moments. Ya know what was really easy (and you might relate)? Falling into the cycle of control. 😣 Yes, there's pressure to get things done, and you're tired of the 13 millionth question about pencils, bathrooms, free time, and computer chargers. But ugh. How did I succumb to...
READ POST10 days to confidence & connection 🙌🏻
about 2 months ago • 2 min readReader - When I was young, my mom always used to say to me, "You can't love anyone else until you love yourself." She believed it with all her heart. But looking back, I wonder - was she trying to convince me or herself? It took me years to understand what she was really trying to say: ✨ You have to stand up for yourself.✨ You can't pour from an empty cup.✨ You need to trust yourself before you can teach your kids to do the same. Maybe you're great at managing emotions but struggle with...
READ POSTIs your family missing THIS key ingredient?
2 months ago • 2 min readReader, Recently, I came across an interesting study… It showed that nearly 40% of children in the U.S. lack a strong emotional bond with their parents. Oof. 😳 That’s a difficult thing to read because CONNECTION is a key ingredient in our relationships. When kids feel connected—really connected—to us, it changes everything. They don’t just build self-control and learn to manage their behavior better. They’re more capable of handling stress and setbacks. And they’re more likely to grow into...
READ POSTGet OFF the struggle bus 🙌🏻
2 months ago • 3 min readReader - There’s so much I've wanted to share with you - including my friend Amy's workshop to get you OFF the struggle bus (more on that below), but I haven't been able to write much lately for a couple of reasons: I've been sick or injured (or both) since November. 🥺 gah! My heart is hurting for Los Angeles, and it's been hard to focus. 😭😭 For 15 years, Los Angeles was my home. It's where we always planned to return - and I did for a hot minute in 2022 before my Dad got sick, and I left...