Take control of the thoughts that keep you stuck. πŸ§ πŸ’‘

creatingcreatingReader -

Do you feel like you try to be empathetic, yet your child's behavior doesn't change? Maybe you're tired of showing compassion and seeing nothing but disorder and disarray in your home.

Or maybe you're just worried you're doing it all WRONG.

There've definitely been times when I found myself swirling in the chaos - or in the habit of describing my child as:

  • defiant
  • disrespectful
  • rude
  • cranky

Getting caught up in the blame game and being unaware of how we might be contributing to the negative interactions is easy to do.

We see our children as "being the problem" - as the ones who need to "learn a lesson" or the ones who need to be more respectful or well-behaved.

But how often do we turn that pointy finger around - toward our own hearts? How often do we look inside and say:

What do I sound like?
How do I come across to my kid or others?

We know harsh handling or impatience with the immaturity of young people can erode our relationships and negatively influence their self-perceptions.

But what if we can't stop? Would you like to take control of the thoughts that keep you stuck?

The single most important ingredient to changing behavior is mastering the perspective shift. This is also one of the most challenging first steps because it requires you to re-think, re-assess, and re-evaluate everything you've ever thought about behavior, parenting, and discipline.

You have got to get really clear on what is driving your own reactions before you can show your child how to manage theirs.

To find out the first steps to start removing the evaluative lens of judgment and blame - join me on Feb 3rd for our Live Chaos to Cooperation Retreat.

  • Daily Inspiration
  • Private WhatsApp Chat
  • 1:1 support
  • Guided Exercises

Who Should Join This Online Event?

Anyone who...

Me & you are doing STEP ONE: Removing the evaluative lens (from everything).

Wiping it clean.
New slate.

There are so many feelings that can get in the way of us expressing how we truly feel, and that can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

So when a parent asked me recently, "How do I encourage my son to show more appreciation?" - I thought it was a super-important question to address. But first, as always - we need to do a little bit of "reframing" so that we can make sure we are asking the right questions!

If you're stuck in a negative cycle with your kids, and no matter what kind of discipline you use - punitive or non-punitive - it seems nothing changes - give me TEN days to help you turn it around. All you need to register is a copy of my Chaos to Cooperation Workbook Guide. (Save 15% until Jan 30th!)

Sometimes, in our rush to stamp out unacceptable behavior, we unknowingly stamp out our children's ability to see themselves as worthy of change.

It's not that we intentionally want to make them feel bad - but our lack of tolerance can sometimes dictate how we respond. And yes, punitive force or logic may work temporarily - ending the argument! But, ultimately, we end up creating more negative behavior and disconnection.

If you have ever found yourself in a downward spiral of unfavorable behaviors and see no way out - then it's time to step back - and look for the gift.

Yes, the gift.

There is always a gift of healing and growth in any conflict or challenge. But it takes a perspective shift. When our kids feel heard and like they matter - they are more easily able to shift out of negative emotional states and join us in that place of healing.

​In this ten-day event, I'm going to share with you the path to strengthening your relationship by reframing your child's behavior and creating the (long-term) changes you're dreaming of.

But remember, it's about being conscious - not perfect!



P.S. Our 10-Day Reset to jumpstart life-altering changes in your home starts this Monday, February 3rd! All you need to join is a copy of this digital guide.







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