βœ”οΈ The secret to influence without force.

Reader -

Last year, my daughter started college, and I went back to work as an elementary school teacher. 😲 And while I didn't go in blind to the realities of the work, I sure was faced with some surprisingly stressful moments.

Ya know what was really easy (and you might relate)? Falling into the cycle of control. 😣

Yes, there's pressure to get things done, and you're tired of the 13 millionth question about pencils, bathrooms, free time, and computer chargers. But ugh. How did I succumb to the stress so quickly?

I felt like a failure.

Power, intimidation, reactivity, and loss of connection - they're an easy go-to in the heat of the moment. What makes us conscious (not perfect) is our capacity to resist complying with those conventional thinking dynamics when we feel out of control.

I quickly had to pull out some old-worn (but rusty) strategies to regain my sense of inner power.

Thankfully, I had a lot of supportive people remind me of my ability to influence kids without overpowering them. Ohhhhh, the revelations I had (again)!

I remembered how to see kids differently - and it turned on the πŸ’‘light bulb for me when I was out of patience.

It's no different in our homes, either. Kids are kids, and they respond to adults who can show compassion (not leniency) during (expected) emotional and behavioral blunders.

We can talk ALL about facing the ups and downs of leading with love (even in tough moments) this coming week in our LIVE 10-DAY Chaos to Cooperation Retreat.


Control isn’t always loud or forceful. 😢 It can show up in:

Pleading demands πŸ™
Silent judgments 🧐
Guilt & blame πŸ˜”
Shaming sarcasm 😑

When we feel powerless, our instinct is to self-protect - by defending, attacking, or resisting. Kids are no different. But it's so easy to misinterpret their behavior.

Our brain state can cloud our perspective and confidence - and round and round it goes…

Let's break the cycle! A little self-compassion goes a long way.

Sometimes, we resist the conflict and chaos in our lives. There's no mental energy left. So we avoid dealing with things.

But Conflict Isn’t the Problem - It’s the Path to Growth

What really leads us to conflict? Where does it come from? πŸ€” Conflict isn’t always bad. In fact, it can be a powerful force for growth and transformation.

βœ… Conflict sparks new ideas.
βœ… Conflict shows us what we need.
βœ… Conflict can be a catalyst for shedding old habits.​
βœ… Conflict holds teachable moments - if we know how to embrace them.

So why do we fear it? Why do we feel like something is wrong with us or our children when conflict arises?

The Truth About Family Conflict

Family conflicts often stem from everyday situations - not deep-seated issues. But we can use these opportunities to impart valuable lessons about:

πŸ•’ Routines - Navigating daily expectations.
🏑 Responsibilities - Learning accountability.
πŸ’¬ Respect - Strengthening communication.
πŸ’™ Relationships - Deepening connection.
🧘 Regulation - Building emotional resilience.

These moments don’t have to turn into no-win battles.

Develop your plan for turning conflicts into opportunities for healing and growth 🌱 and learn to approach disagreements with an open mind!

  • Teach your kids coping skills.
  • Reevaluate your expectations.
  • Learn more about your child’s needs.
  • Discover ways to work together instead of against each other.

Conflict isn’t the enemy - it’s the conversation we ALL need to have.

​Let's talk about the deep stuff. Dive in HERE!​

Good news!! You can change the pattern.

It's never too late! (I needed a reset, and my kid is 18!) Rewiring our nervous system to be more responsive is an ongoing practice.

Life gets messy, scary, and overwhelming. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« But when you've put together the right tools (for you!) to manage your emotions and reactions, you create a stress buffer - helping you handle all the daily stuff - worry, disagreements, tantrums, sibling rivalry, defiance, and even aggression.

✨ The impact on your child (and others in your life)? EXTRAORDINARY. ✨

βœ”οΈYou'll take time for yourself.
βœ”οΈ You’ll see more cooperation.
You’ll create a calmer home.​
You’ll pass down a framework of positive coping skills your child can use for a lifetime.

I'm walking myself through this reset as well! Join me - it will be EYE-OPENING!

🎯 We start Monday - join us here!​



p.s. Have a question about the online retreat, how to access our live calls, or join the WhatsApp Group? Just hit 'reply' and ask!

​Our Chaos to Cooperation 10-Day Schedule​
Tuesday 2/4- LIVE CHAT @4pm ET
Sunday 2/9 LIVE CHAT @12pm ET
Wednesday 2/12 LIVE CHAT @7pm ET (closing night)


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