[VIDEO] For everyone who's *NOT* a perfect parent

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I recently came across a social media post from someone whose child was gushing with gratitude towards her. The post essentially said, "Here's what happens when you parent peacefully."

πŸ‘€ At first, I thought, "Well, that's lovely." But then, I also thought, "My daughter would NEVER do that."

It's not that I don't have a great relationship with my kid. I do. Maybe it's not in her personality to express herself like that, but even if it was, I'm not sure I'd get that kind of glowing recognition.

A lot of my parenting was stressing out and breaking free from inner dialogue that went something like this:

"If I don't deal with this behavior now, it could lead to serious issues later."
"If I can't handle this directly, she'll be out of control as a teenager."
"I'm failing at the most important job I have."

These thoughts created a cycle of guilt and anxiety in me, making it even harder to set and enforce appropriate boundaries.

πŸ™ŒπŸ» But it is possible to feel more connected to your kids and less overwhelmed!

​This free webinar (which includes a transcript and audio download) will help you set limits that stick.

Even though I've worked hard to be a conscious parent, that doesn't mean I've been a perfect parent.

I'm sure the person who posted about her child did NOT mean to suggest they're perfect, either.

But I wonder how many people might see that post and feel like I did - thinking, "Well, sh*t, I've done my best, but I'm never getting a message like that from my kid."

So, I wanted to tell you, especially if you're doing your best to treat your kids with respect and working hard to regulate your emotions (but still mess up sometimes) - it's OK if you and your kids have rough spots.

Conscious parenting is not a one-size-fits-all approach. You'll have your own unique journey.

  • Your kids might STILL be moody or reactive.
  • They might never enthusiastically rave about your help.

And if you don't get anything more than a *grunt* through their bedroom door right now, it doesn't mean you've failed.

What works for you and your child is different from what works for someone else and theirs. So, if you see posts like the one I saw, don't let them bring you down.

Keep moving forward on YOUR journey!

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Watch this free webinar and Q&A to lighten the parenting load and feel more present with your kids.

And remember, it's about being conscious, not perfect! Hope to talk soon.



p.s. Know someone who might benefit from this webinar ( + Q&A, transcript, and audio download so you can listen at your convenience ⏰) - pass it on!



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